Brown seaweed bio-degradation goes up to decomposition sludge

The biodegradation of brown seaweed is a complex micro-biological process that is highly dependent on environmental conditions. Decomposition in a human activity area can be smelly and even become toxic depending on emissions of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and mercaptan among others. Variations in force and direction of wind, atmospheric pressure at the sea level, air and water temperature can rapidly change the biogas concentrations for varying periods. The eolian transport can advect gases over long distances and intoxicate a large number of people.

This biodegradation which occurs most often in aquatic environment (or highly wet) can go through fermentation and putrefaction phases that modify water quality with more or less localized effects. In a port or semi-enclosed area with low water mass exchange variations of acidity and dissolved oxygen concentration can impact the biotop and remove all traces of life. It is therefore essential to monitor the evolution of water quality and degradation processes.

Vinaigrerie multi-purpose port
Picture of the multi-purpose port of La Vinaigrerie of Petit-Bourg, Guadeloupe, FWI, partially covered by  decomposition sludge of brown seaweed (Sargassum Fluitans)

TCGNRG can help you to manage these atmospheric and aquatic pollutions by monitoring, simulating and forcasting emission and propagation of those gas and associated waste. We also propose training in management and maintenance of port, beach and coastal water. Feel free to contact us!

Journée Mondiale de la Lutte Contre la Sécheresse et la Désertification (17 juin 2018)

17 juin 2018,  Journée Mondiale de la Lutte Contre la Sécheresse et la Désertification.


 Le climat mondial et ses variations modifient les apports en eau d’une région à l’aide de la pluviométrie et influencer les bilans hydriques entre autres par l’évapotranspiration. Mais à l’échelle d’une ville, d’une commune d’un quartier l’entretien des sols, des rivières, des lacs et de la végétation de surface est déterminant pour la captation de l’eau. Vos actions de tous les jours peuvent réduire de façon significative les effets des périodes de sécheresse à venir.

Le TCGNRG peut vous aidez à gérer vos environnements à ces échelles afin de limiter les effets des sécheresses et les dommages irréversibles dû au manque d’humidité (c-a-d désertification).

World Day to Combat Drought and Desertification (June 17th 2018)

June 17th 2018,  World Day to Combat Drought and Desertification.

The world climate and its variations modify water intake in a region using rainfall and influence the water balance using among others the evapotranspiration.  But at the scale of a city, a township or a community the maintenance of ground, rivers, ponds and surface vegetation is crucial to mitigate the effects of future drought periods. Your actions of every days can significantly reduce effects of lack of water.

The TCGNRG can help you in the management of your environment at this scale to mitigate drought effects and the irreversible damage on soil due to the lack of humidity (i.e. desertification).