Green is not only a buzzword is also a working concept which try to fix the gap between Laws of Nature and human activity. Limited resource of earth can only push human being to better and cautiously used energy, mineral matter and organic molecules (i.e., vegetable & animal) matter.
Somes unconscious person think we will be able to find a second planet to exploit quickly, but that won’t be case before long time. It is better for us to focus on what is already available.
This third post of the Jamaican Green Desalination Project explain main feature of a Desalination plant which can be called Green.
#GreenEnergy #EnergyNeed #RenewableEnergy #FreshWater #Desalination #ClimateChange #DrinkableWater #water #Cleanwater #AlternativeEnergy #Potablewater
A survey is still running to better understand relation between Jamaican and Freshwater. If you have 5 minutes and reside or have resided in Jamaica please help us and answer to the survey on this link