Mangroves and their ecosystem have an essential role in biodiversity, the renewal of fish stock, the preservation of coastline, the quality of coastal waters, and the attenuation of flood waves. This list is not exhaustive and is growing day by day.
Therefore, preserving these environments is essential for the quality of life of women and men in the coastal zone.
Their preservation is complicated because they most often occupy areas with high tourist, port or real estate value. Making a choice between financially profitable projects and spaces that cannot be monetized is not accessible using a neo-capitalist reading grid.
To ensure the maintenance of these spaces of abundance, life and culture, it is necessary to agree to place the life of a fish, a mollusc, a crustacean, and a bird on the same level as that of ‘a company.
#TCGNRG #MangroveSwamp #Conservation #InternationalDay #Guadeloupe #Martinique #Caribbean
Read More : https://www.unesco.org/en/days/mangrove-ecosystem-conservation-day